OK I was about to post a blog post (now attached to the end of this one as a 'what not to do'), thinking that all my G1 Latitude problems were solved, but I checked and Latitude had returned to its disabled state. Instead I've found a much better solution here. This has worked for me and I'm now running a version of RC9 which has Latitude enabled. You do need to get root access to your device before you can do this, so the steps are:
1) follow these instructions to get root access on your G1
2) follow this guide to install this updated JF RC9 firmware without a sim in the phone.
and Robert's your Father's brother, you'll end up with this:

And for posterity here is what NOT to do:
Some people across the digital sphere have been claiming that Latitude has been working for them on the UK G1, personally I still have nada. So I've decided to take action and hook my G1 up with JesusFreke's UK RC9 firmware. This is a hacked firmware that first requires you to gain root access on your G1. Also there were reports of Latitude not working on that either, so I went to the US RC33 firmware first, oh and to get root access you first have to downgrade your phone to RC7. So 3 firmwares later I finally have Latitude running on a UK G1 with RC9, was it worth it? of course not, but if you fancy trying it, it takes about an hour and of course I take no responsibility for borked phones:
1) follow these instructions to get root access on your G1
2) Install JF RC33 firmware
3) You should have a UK device running US RC33 firmware now, check that latitude is running. Now you could choose to leave your G1 in this state, personally I didn't like the US formatting of the phone numbers, too many hyphens, and my phone became unstable when opening and closing the keyboard. So I decided to continue to the UK firmware.
4) Download the JF RC9 firmware and rename it to update.zip and place it in the root of your SD Card.
5) Download JFUpdater and install it on your G1. Easiest way is to go to http://code.google.com/p/jfupdater/downloads/list on your G1.
6) Run JFUpdater and choose to install the update.zip that it finds on your SD card.
These are the steps I followed and as I say I now have a UK G1 running RC9 firmware with Latitude and the latest marketplace running.
Note: after a couple of reboots Latitude has disappeared, not happy. Question is do I go back to RC33 or not.
I just loaded google maps from the market, it asked if I wished to replace my current one. I did so and there is latitude, letting me know where I am!
Yep, just did the same thing here, got Latitude runnign a treat, just need friends now who are willign to let me know where they are...
Good day !.
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