Thank you so much +Marie Schweiz (http://marie-schweiz.de/) for your awesome designs!
- New clean design
- Action Bar on all versions (using ActionBarCompat)
- Touch feedback on all elements
- Light face for stopwatch, Dark face for countdown
- Lap Times separated out
- Built for Android 4.0 with support for versions 2.0+
- Portrait / Landscape layouts for all sceen sizes including QVGA and Tablets
Big fixes:
- Sporadic countdown alarm notifications fixed
- Galaxy Tab time appearance fixed
- QVGA layouts fixed
- Other minor issues resolved
Source available at http://android-ultimatestopwatch.googlecode.com
Comments and questions to the post on Google+ please so I can respond https://plus.google.com/u/0/115995639636688350464/posts/KhqUhC1ezB4